Monday, February 26, 2007

Another quiet day in Winnipeg

Not too much going on. Light snow fall covers over the frosty casements of my upstairs chamber. Not too cold, and puppy has been out a couple of times to play in the south garden. She comes back in with her little beard all covered with fluffy winter down.

We are looking forward to the forthcoming nuptials of my niece, Andrea, in October 2007. Right now she is teaching school in England. And so carries on with a family tradition. Her great great aunt Georgia was a school teacher in Winnipeg in 1909, at Pinkham School. And I started teaching in 1962, retiring in 2005.

Every day in retirement, as you know, is an earned day off. These days I am pondering this imponderable: If the past is but the future with all potential removed, is the future but the past with all its potential still intact?


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby!

Andrea said...

I hope you can make it to the forthcoming nuptials! Misty II is of course invited as well;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.