Sunday, May 13, 2007

Who decides what is offensive?

Okay, so a couple of Christmasses ago, frenzied activities around saying 'Merry Christmas' erupted. Some bureaucrat somewhere decided that saying 'Merry Christmas' created the impression of exclusiveness. If you said it, you were excluding those who did not celebrate Christmas. And as a result, you might risk offending someone somewhere.

Walmart got on the band wagon and announced they had instructed their sales staff to wish customers a 'Happy Holiday.' In most circumstances, this would not bother me. But I am one who takes great pleasure in celebrating Christmas. For Christmas 2006 Walmart announced they were going back to wishing customers a Merry Christmas because sales records for Christmas 2005 revealed a definite fall-off in shopping. I for one did not shop there because of the Happy Holiday thing.

I feel honoured when someone wishes me 'Merry Christmas!' And because the politically correct fascists forbid those two words, I feel mortally offended. I have two words for these idiots, and they ain't 'Merry Christmas.'


Anonymous said...

You are so right about the fear of offending someone. I thought the Merry Christmas fuss was over Jewish reaction in our part of the country...but such is not the case.

My Jewish friends and I continue to extend greetings for Hanukkah and Christmas and remain focussed on the reason we are celebrating these holidays. Both have Light as a theme. Let's just get on with enjoying life instead of fearing we might offend.

Anonymous said...

When Gary Filmon was in charge of Manitoba his government starting calling the province's official Christmas tree the 'multi-cultural tree.' Pardon me while I gag.

When Gary Doer became the province's premier, the first thing he did was redesignate the provincial Christmas tree as the official 'Christmas' tree for the province.

'After all,' he said, 'we don't call the Hanuca candlesticks a multicultural menorah.'

Is common sense ever going to prevail again?

BerlyCrow said...

I'm thinking that the two of us probably have the same two words in mind for these people!

BerlyCrow said...

Care to share an e-mail address with me so we can talk some more? In case you don't want to post it, you can e-mail me at Hope to hear from you soon.